Newswise — What would the holiday season be without all the pies, candied yams, wine and other sweet treats. But for people with diabetes, who need to monitor and manage their blood sugar daily, this time of year can be difficult to navigate. With the right game plan, however, diabetics can enjoy holiday food and festivities without feeling deprived. Here’s your Thanksgiving Holiday Diabetes Do’s & Don’ts from the experts at the MOLLY Diabetes Education and Management Center for Adults and Children.
Most of all enjoy the holiday and give thanks for your health, happiness and the love of family and friends. 
The MOLLY Diabetes Education and Management Center for Adults and Children provides an unparalleled approach to treating and managing diabetes. You receive a wide range of support services and the most up-to-date treatments to live a healthy and satisfying life. Your dedicated team at Hackensack University Medical Center includes endocrinologists, advanced practice nurses, registered nurses, registered dietitians, licensed clinical social workers and certified diabetes educators – all of whom bring special training and experience in diabetes.
From the entire team, Happy Thanksgiving!

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