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A toddler who suddenly beaome “a lot more tired than usual” and started waking in the night has been diagnosed with Type 1  – after her mum was initially told it was a virus.
Paisley Coeator, now three, was at first given antibiotics, but her mum Leigh said her “gut instinct was that it was something more serious than that.”
She took the tot to A&E where medics found Paisley had diabetes, and potentially fatal substances were building up in her body.
Paisley was admitted to Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.
Leigh, 30, told Liverpool Echo: “It just went from there. To be honest I can be standing in the kitchen now, washing the dishes and I will be back in the hospital room like it is all happening again, but she got better and her dad stayed at her side at hospital for the next four days.
“She turned two on the last day of the hospital admission, so she was in hospital for her second birthday but we managed to do all the training and get her home that evening. So far from there she’s done nothing but raise awareness at such a young age.
“Paisley takes it all in her stride, she’s so brave with it all and she loves to show her insulin pump off and her Dexcom to everyone. She’s really good at it.”
When Paisley was admitted to hospital, the toddler’s glucose was 37.7 mmol/L – a non-diabetics blood sugar should be between 4.0 and 5.9 mmol/L before meals.
She had been feeling tired, was drinking a lot and had lost a great deal of weight.

Paisley Coeator
Leigh, a mum of three, had also found her daughter was “soaking through her nappies”.
“It started off when she was one. She started becoming a lot more tired than usual, she wouldn’t walk more than a few steps which was very unlike Paisley. Even though she was one, she loved to push her little baby brother around in his pram,” Leigh, from Halewood, Merseyside, said.
“She suddenly wouldn’t walk more than a few steps and would stop and want to be carried, which I thought was really unusual. Then it was thirst, so she was drinking a lot more than unusual and she was waking up through the night for any drink that she could get her hands on.
“Then it was toilet. She was still in nappies at this time but was soaking through all of the nappies and we tried different brands and this was all in the space of days. One of the nights she soaked through and asked for another drink, I stripped her down to clean her and as she was standing there I looked at her and I felt sick because I could see that she had lost weight out of nowhere and drastically.”
Now, the toddler and mum raises awareness for Type 1 diabetes, which differs from Type 2 in that it is a genetic condition that often shows up early in life, as opposed to being mainly lifestyle-rlated.
Leigh shows how she treats Paisley’s condition with her insulin pump and Dexcom on TikTok, Facebook and Instagram.

Leigh is sharing her daughter’s story ahead of World Diabetes Day on Monday, November 14 to raise awareness of the symptoms and warning signs of Type 1 diabetes.
The mum added: “Not a lot of people know the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and there is just very little awareness out there and obviously because it is our daughter we have become so passionate about raising awareness and wanting other people to know the symptoms and the warning signs because it could have been worse for Paisley.”
Type 1 diabetes causes the level of glucose (sugar) in your blood to become too high, according to the NHS. It happens when your body cannot produce enough of a hormone called insulin, which controls blood glucose.
People with Type 1 diabetes need to take insulin every day to keep their blood glucose levels under control. Type 1 diabetes is not linked with age or being overweight – these things are linked with Type 2 diabetes.
The symptoms of Type 1 diabetes according to the NHS are:
Type 1 diabetes symptoms can come on quickly, particularly in children.
Follow Paisley’s journey on TikTok here, Instagram here and Facebook here.

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