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by: Olivia Parsons
Posted: Nov 10, 2022 / 05:05 PM EST
Updated: Nov 10, 2022 / 05:01 PM EST
by: Olivia Parsons
Posted: Nov 10, 2022 / 05:05 PM EST
Updated: Nov 10, 2022 / 05:01 PM EST
GREENVILLE, S.C. (WSPA) – One in ten Americans live with type two diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
It’s a progressive disease that doesn’t discriminate, but there are practices that can help for people living with the chronic health condition.
Diabetes occurs when the body can’t produce it’s own insulin. When this happens, it causes higher than normal blood sugar levels.
“But the problem is that insulin is unable to carry the energy which is your food into the cells for the energy that the body needs. So it’s resistant. That’s type two,” explained Terry Duke.
Duke is a registered nurse and diabetes educator with Bon Secours Saint Francis.
She said there’s no direct link to a cause.
Type two diabetes can develop in people for reasons out of their control.
“Because the older you are, it’s a risk. If somebody in your family has it, you’re at risk,” Duke said. “What about the color of your skin? The darker the skin, the greater the risk.”
While Duke said there’s no cure— people with type two diabetes can lead normal lives without having to make serious changes.
“You have by mouth pills you have injection, you have insulin, you have some synthetic hormones. You also have your diet, exercise, and drinking water,” she stated.
Duke said you’ll need to test your sugar levels often and track your body’s responses to certain foods you eat.
“We’re not going to take your food away,” Duke shared. “We’re not going to make you do anything. You’re still captain of your boat. You get to make your decisions, but we want to give you the knowledge.”
Adding education is key to management.
One viewer asked 7 News about the best way to deal with aching feet.
Duke advises patients do not soak feet to alleviate pain because it can lead to complications down the road.
Instead, seek help from a doctor or pediatrist for diabetic shoesand inserts.
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