Pippali or long pepper is an exotic Indian spice that comes with a long list of health benefits. Watch how beneficial this spice can be when included in your daily diet.
Often misinterpreted as black pepper, the pippali or long pepper was used to add heat to food, long before chillies gained popularity.
According to historian KT Achaya, this exotic spice was among India’s earliest spices ever to be recorded. It is believed to have been exported from southern regions of India even 4,000 years ago. Also, in the 6th century BC, it is said that it was used even by Hippocrates in has therapeutic practice.
This spice cum superfood grows wild in the tropical rainforests of India as well as in the Northeastern region, West Bengal, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu.
But pippali was mostly mistaken as black pepper as they were exported together. This unique spice not only elevates the taste of food but also offers several health benefits.
While there are many ancient scriptures and Vedic texts that mention its health benefits, many modern-day studies continue to demonstrate the power of long pepper.

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It helps in regulating blood sugar levels, cure digestive issues and respiratory issues, and aids weight loss. There are even studies that point out the antidepressant and anti-microbial properties of the spice.
Besides, Ayurveda says that it can even help combat menstrual cramps and regulate heavy menstrual flow.
Watch why you should include pippali in your diet:

Edited by Yoshita Rao

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