Type 2 Diabetes and Miscarriage: How to Lower Your Risk – Verywell Health
Carrie Madormo, RN, MPH, is a freelance health writer with over a decade of experience working as a registered nurse in a variety of clinical settings. Miscarriage is, unfortunately, very…
Estimated Average Glucose (eAG): What Does it Mean? – Healthline
If you have diabetes, you might have heard your doctor or healthcare professional mention estimated average glucose (eAG).But, what exactly is eAG, what does it tell you about your blood…
Prediabetes Diet: Tips on Fiber, Carbs, Meat, Alcohol, and More – Healthline
Prediabetes can eventually develop into type 2 diabetes, but it does not always. Eating certain foods can balance your blood sugar levels. Discover seven prediabetes diet tips.Prediabetes is marked by…
Pandemic Side Effects Like Job Loss, Food Insecurity Worsened Teen Mental Health – Kaiser Health News
New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show "most" U.S. adolescents experienced "negative events" during the pandemic. The risks grew as the number of negative events increased,…
20+ Diabetes-Friendly Air Fryer Recipes – EatingWell
Snacks, starters and suppers: all it takes to make these easy recipes is to pop them in your air fryer. These dishes include complex carbs like whole-wheat panko breadcrumbs, and…
Health tips to keep diabetes away for the sake of your heart – Hindustan Times
Health tips to keep diabetes away for the sake of your heart Hindustan Timessource
Mindfulness May Help You Manage Blood Sugar – Bel Marra Health
hamburger line 1hamburger line 2hamburger line 3CloseFree Special Report: Secret of Healthy Digestion and RegularityGet this report FREE when you opt in for our FREE Health eTalk daily newsletter along…
Fat, inactive yet healthy: Could hibernating bears hold clues to treating diabetes in humans? – Euronews
Just before hibernation season, brown bears eat a lot – as much as 20,000 daily calories, enough to put on around four kilos each day. And then they barely move,…
DIY diabetes management with digital app facilitates better weight, blood sugar control | Latest news for Doctors, Nurses and Pharmacists | Endocrinology – MIMS
Self-management of diabetes through smartphone heath app engagement appears to bring positive changes in disease outcomes such as weight and blood sugar, according to data from the Diabetes Lifestyle Intervention…