This is the definitive guide and overview of Cardarine which is also known by the name of GW 50156, or Endurobol. A compound often thought to be thought to be a SARM however it’s not.
Remember the fact that Cardarine is considered research-based and therefore not suitable for consumption by humans. Don’t consider the information in this site as medical advice, it is always best to consult your physician.
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If you’re caught up in the rush and don’t have the time read the article, you can check out this video. It’s not as detailed, but it covers the most important aspects of Cardarine.
Let’s begin by describing the meaning of Cardarine is, and how it functions.
What is Cardarine (GW 50156)
Cardarine is often interpreted as an SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator). This isn’t the situation.
In this review or guide You will be able to:
In reality, GW 50156 is actually a PPARd receptor agonist (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta agonist) and not a SARM at all.
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It has benefits that include:
We will cover all the advantages of Cardarine in greater detail in the next article.
Cardarine History
GW 50156 was developed in the 1990s in the 90s by Ligand Pharmaceuticals and GlaxoSmithKline to combat diseases such as cardiovascular and diabetes. The name Ligand Pharmaceuticals sounds familiar to you, it’s because they created and named LGD 4033.
Cardarine was the subject of a number of tests and studies however the drug was removed in 2007 after a research study was conducted by GlaxoSmithKline which showed the development of cancer in rats. Further details on this will be forthcoming.
Then, a lot of people debated this issue and some studies were conducted that had contradictory findings (we will go into more detail about this in the following article).
Even even though Cardarine was discarded due to safety concerns, athletes bodybuilders and others began taking it due to the incredible effects on endurance and fat loss benefits it offers. A few people also use it to boost your cardiovascular fitness.
Soon after the first users began using this substance, the WADA ( World Anti Doping Agency) added Cardarine as well as other PPARd receptor antagonists to the list of prohibited substances.
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What is the effect of Cardarine Do Its Work?
We have already mentioned that Cardarine is an receptor agonist of the PPARd. It is a PPARd receptor agonist. It binds on the PPARd receptor in order to trigger a variety of biological reactions.
The primary effects of Cardarine binding the PPARd receptor are:
Scientists and athletes are the most fascinated by the Glucose metabolism-suppression impact that Cardarine provides. The athletes love this as it’s among the major factors behind the amazing endurance enhancement benefit that Cardarine gives.
Scientists , on contrary are extremely fascinated by this since it leads to an increased insulin sensitivity. This implies that Cardarine could be a viable option to help treat Diabetes.
Glucose metabolism suppression is basically that the body is forced to use fat for energy in place of fat. This is why many people began taking Cardarine to aid in losing weight faster.
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We will review each benefit , as well as the negative side effects, and then explain these in more detail later on in this article.
Cardarine Legal Status
Let’s get this straight now, as of June 2020 cardarine can be legal for purchase and use in all countries around the world, with the exception of Australia. We will examine the legality in Australia in the following article. Also, it’s a bit different when it comes to professional sports, and we will discuss the legality of that too.
The GW 50156 product is available under the label as “Research Chemical” or “Not intended for consumption by humans” since it isn’t FDA (Food and Drug Administration) authorized for human consumption. However, this isn’t in any way connected with Cardarine being legal or illegal.
To sum up to sum up, the drug Cardarine (GW 50156) is legal to purchase and use in all countries around the world, except for Australia. Let’s now look at what is legal about Cardarine within Australia.
Cardarine In Australia
We’ve said that in terms of cardarine’s legality Cardarine Australian laws differ a bit from the other countries.
The Australia, Cardarine is considered as an schedule 9 chemical according to the TGA. It is therefore prohibited in Australia even with a prescription from a doctor. Fun fact: Cocaine is also classified as an Schedule nine drug within Australia.
SARMs and MK677 but are both legal in Australia on prescription from a physician.
Although Cardarine isn’t legally legal in Australia there are many Australians often use it.
Learn further about it in my piece about SARMs and their use in Australia.
Cardarine In Sports
Cardarine (GW 50156) is considered to be a banned drug for athletes in professional sports by nearly all sporting bodies, including the Olympics due to it’s obvious advantages it provides (endurance rise).
The GW 50156 chemical is included on the banned list substances from the USADA (the United States Anti Doping Agency) as along with the WADA (World Anti Doping Agency) and ASADA (the Australian Anti-Doping Agency).
If you want to read more about this subject, read our article where we answer the question; is Cardarine legal .
Cardarine Benefits
We’ve already mentioned that GW 50156 is a great product that has the advantages of weight loss, energy boost and a remarkable increase in endurance, enhanced heart health and more.
The complete listing of Cardarine benefits:
Let’s look at each benefit in greater depth.
More Endurance
As we mentioned earlier in the article, Cardarine improves your endurance and endurance through two distinct ways:
Both of them result in a substantial boost in endurance. The majority of people can improve their endurance by as much as 60 percent within 30 minutes following their first Cardarine dose. Insane, right?
Rat research has proved the benefits. The research revealed that the rats taking Cardarine quickly had 50 to 70 percent more endurance than other rats. This means that it took them nearly double the time to become exhausted.
A number of athletes utilize GW 50156 solely because of this advantage. Unfortunately, many professional athletes utilize it to gain an edge over their competitors. In reality, Lance Armstrong is said to have taken Cardarine in addition to Stenabolic (a similar substance that boosts endurance) to be victorious in the Tour de France 7 times.
It is possible to experience an increase in endurance within 30 minutes of the first dose. It will be possible to increase your endurance each week by running and training to a high level. The best part about this is that you will be able to keep the majority of the endurance you developed during your Cardarine cycle , if you keep training and run long after the cycle has ended.
The majority of people immediately see 50% – 60 percent increase in endurance. That means that if you can run two miles, you’ll be in a position to run 3 miles following the first dose. Many people affirm that taking GW 50156 is like feeling as if you have three lungs since it is so easy to breathe.
It’s not noticeable only during running, but you’ll notice the increase in endurance while lifting weights. It will be less rest between sets, and you will not be exhausted in the same amount, etc.
Fat Loss
You are probably looking into Cardarine (GW 50156) for the fat loss benefits.
Similar to the way it improves fitness, Cardarine provides us with the benefits of losing fat through two ways:
A variety of tests on animals on rats showed Cardarine can be very beneficial in losing fat. The tests showed that rats taking GW 50156 lost five percent more body fat than those who weren’t taking the substance.
A study conducted a study that tested Cardarine on 13 overweight males with a high body fat percentage and a poor lipid profile. The study found that just 2.5mg of Cardarine decreased their LDL levels as well as triglycerides, fatty acids and triglycer.
According to my experience, the majority of people can lose 5-7% of body fat during time during an eight-week Cardarine cycle. It is possible to lose weight even you are on a low-calorie maintenance diet or a slight surplus. To get the most results, I suggest you adhere to a moderate deficit in calories diet throughout this GW 50156.
Keep in mind that when you’re trying to lose fat it is your diet and exercise will have the biggest difference. You can consume any amount of Cardarine as you like, but however, if you’re on a poor diet and training, it won’t make any impact.
Improved Cardiovascular Health
This is among the primary reasons Cardarine was discovered and developed to treat cardiovascular disease.
Research and tests on animals on rats proved rats that GW 50156 has the potential to have a beneficial influence on the heart. This drug decreased the harm that is done to rodents, improved their blood vessels , and decreased inflammation.
Even small doses of Cardarine were found to clean blood vessels, which reduces the chance of having a heart attack as well as other cardiovascular ailments. GW 50156 was found to be effective in getting rid of plaque build-up within blood vessels.
In fact, some users who use extremely strong steroids that can be very hard on your heart, such as Trenbolone commonly use Cardarine to ensure that they don’t harm their heart and remain healthy.
I’m likely to use tiny doses of Cardarine as I get older (over 50) due to this benefit. It will enable me to be very healthy in my cardiovascular system.
Improved The Liver And Kidney Health
Many people don’t are aware of this fact. Cardarine has a positive influence on our livers and kidneys. This is quite remarkable considering that many similar compounds can be kidney or liver toxic.
To aid in kidney function, Cardarine showed that it reduces inflammation . Studies have also have found that it decreases the risk of developing kidney disease.
GW 50156 also decreased inflammation of the liver. It also shifts fuel source of energy from fat to glucose, which is proven to boost our insulin resistance . This can be beneficial to our liver . This is highly beneficial for people suffering from Diabetes.
Cardarine Side Effects
After we’ve gone through the advantages of GW 50156, let’s have a an examination of the negative consequences.
Cardarine has been through a variety of research and studies. At present, only one adverse effect was discovered and that’s
In 2007, GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) carried out the study which revealed increase in the growth of cancerous tumors in rodents who were taking Cardarine.
There are some who are skeptical of this study since they utilized absurd dosages of Cardarine for very long cycles. Since 2007, there have been numerous studies that contradict the one that revealed cancer growth. In essence, the whole subject is somewhat controversial.
Let’s take a look in-depth and discuss when you should be concerned and the times you shouldn’t. this.
Cardarine Cancer
The thought of Cardarine increasing the growth of tumors that are cancerous is one reason that a lot of people don’t use it, even though it could be beneficial for those. Are we really at the danger of getting cancer if we take the GW 50156?
As of the year 2020 the year 2020, there are no cancer cases that were confirmed by individuals who have been linked to Cardarine. But, you must be aware and educated about the connection between this compound and cancer. Let’s begin by diving right in.
In the issue of Cardarine being the cause of cancer, there are many studies to study.
On the other hand we have one side, we have the study that many of you already have heard of. It was the reason for the end the use of Cardarine during 2007. It was evident that rats treated with Cardarine were prone to rapid growth of tumors with cancerous growth.
On the other hand we have a plethora of studies from the past that prove that Cardarine isn’t a cause of cancer at normal doses for normal cycles. The studies confirmed that at normal doses, Cardarine has anti-cancer properties.
To understand this better to better understand this, we’ll look at the duration of the cycle as well as the doses which the rats were administered during the 2007 study.
What Length of Cycle and Dosages Did Rats Gain
A large number of people and many websites affirm that the rats received an enormous quantity of cardarine. Some are simply giving random numbers such as 50x, 70x and even 100x of the dosage recommended. What dosages actually did they get?
The lowest dose of neoplastic that was detected in rodents (neoplastic is simply a term used for tumors , or cancerous tumors) was 3mg per day.
Now let’s change the dose of 3 mg a day in rodents into the human equivalent dosage (HED). We’ll apply the calculation of human equivalent dose that is based on the body’s surface taken from ResearchGate (picture in the below).
Human Equivalent Dose(mg/kg) = Animal Dose(mg/kg) + [Animal Km / Human kmHuman Equivalent Dose = [Animal Km / Human Km]
= 3x (6/37)
= 0.48 mg/kg
In the case of Animal Km, it can be found to be 6 in rats and 37 for humans and 3mg is the smallest dose in which neoplastic results were observed.
If you weigh 190 pounds or 85kg person, that’s roughly 40.8mg daily. This is 43.2mg daily for a person who weighs 90kg.
As you can see, the doses that were used were 4x larger than recommended doses but not 100x or even 50x as many people claim.
Another thing to note is the length of the cycle used during the investigation. The study was conducted for more than 104 weeks. This is 13 times more than the maximum recommended duration of eight weeks.
To summarise, the doses that were used in the notorious study of rats were 3 times more than recommended , and the duration that the research took was 13 times more than the recommended cycle length.
Remember this: it required all this, plus 3 times more dosages and an insane time frame for the cancer to be detected.
If you follow the prescribed dosage and adhere to the regular cycle lengths it is likely that you will be in good shape. Recent studies have confirmed this. Let’s examine these.
Cardarine Has Anti-Cancer Properties – Study
The GW 50156 research demonstrated that Cardarine does not cause cancer when used in high doses or shorter cycle lengths.
I suggest that you go through the research for yourself if you’re interested. It’s lengthy and thorough. If you’re not able to devote the time, let me simplify it for you.
The GW compound enhanced cell growth nor the phosphorylation process of Akt and no increases in levels of VEGF or COX2 were observed in any cancerous cell line in the absence or presence of serum. Similar to the liver, colon and colon polyps of mice that received these compounds showed no any changes in these markers.
In essence, this study demonstrated that Cardarine isn’t responsible for the formation of cancerous tumors, even in large doses for normal durations of time. Additionally it was also proven to possess anti-cancer effects in this particular time.
They took doses similar to taking 154mg daily for a person weighing 90kg. The high doses did not exhibit any evidence of cancer-related development during the length of 7 days in a cycle.
This basically implies that excessive doses for normal times aren’t likely to cause cancer. In fact, we might conclude that the reason cancer developed in the 2007 study of rats was due to the ridiculous cycle duration (104 weeks) and not because of the excessive dosages, or perhaps an amalgamation of the two.
Cardarine Cancer – Conclusion
Let’s review the issue of GW 50156 and the cancer it causes.
It is true that Cardarine may cause tumors however, only in high doses (over 40 mg per day) for a long duration (104 weeks in the case of 40 mg per day). Evidently, a 100mg daily dose could lead to cancer earlier, around 50 weeks.
If you are taking Cardarine in a proper manner and adhere to your normal cycle durations and dosages, you will not be in trouble. In fact, a research study found that GW 50156 has anti-cancer effects if used in the correct way.
The redditor also makes an excellent aspect to this:
As of the year 2020 it has not been confirmed cases of cancer among humans linked to Cardarine. I believe this to be the case since no one has been taking it for 104 weeks with 40 mg a day.
Follow the following two guidelines to remain sure you are safe:
Human Trials
Contrary to popular opinion there have been a lot of GW 50156 human clinical trials and there was no cancer in any of them.
Three trials were conducted. Cardarine tests on humans:
The human studies proved that Cardarine isn’t toxic to the liver since there weren’t any changes to the liver which could show damage to the liver.
Additionally, there were substantial, positive improvements in HDL cholesterol, HDL, as well as the triglycerides. The third and second studies also revealed improvement in insulin sensitivity as well as an improvement in the amount of fatty acids around 20%.
In addition, these human trials also revealed an enormous improvement of body structure. But, the body fat percentage information was not captured, therefore there’s no evidence on that.
One of the interesting aspects of the human studies is that certain groups were given doses of 10 mg a every day during 12 weeks. These doses offered all the benefits mentioned and did not show any adverse negative effects.
This is why many people, including myself use Cardarine with a dosage of 10 to 15 mg per day for 8-week cycles , without worry.
My Experience with Cardarine
I’ve taken several cycles of Cardarine of 15mg per day for eight weeks. I love this substance particularly because it is completely no side effects when you use it in this manner Two studies have confirmed that it doesn’t cause any kind of cancer in the course of menstrual cycles and doses similar to this.
When I last did it, I mixed it with a tiny dose of 10 mg a day of Ostarine. This allowed me to eliminate all my fat while maintaining all of my muscle mass (even increasing some). It was a breeze to get me leaner I lost weight and dropped to 9 percent body fat, down between 15 and 16 percent body fat. Remember, I was very careful in my diet and exercise routine as well.
Overall it’s a fantastic compound, in my opinion. I love the endurance benefits and it makes exercise effortless for me. In addition, I love the benefits associated with Cardarine for the kidneys, liver, and the heart. It’s like Stenabolic but I think it’s more effective in losing fat and endurance.
My cycle:
Week: 1-8
Cardarine: 15mg a day, Ostarine: 10mg a day
If you’d like to read my comprehensive review, please read my post on Cardarine outcomes.
PCT GW 50156
We’ve said that Cardarine isn’t an SARM. It’s also not a hormone and will not cause us to suffer from a reduced natural production of Testosterone.
This means that we don’t require PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) for Cardarine. PCT is a serious issue and could cause grave adverse consequences. This is the reason we shouldn’t undertake PCTs even if we don’t really need to. It is definitely necessary to have a PCT that has steroids, but with SARMs , that’s not the situation.
Cardarine Before and After Results
After we’ve discussed my experiences using this substance We’ll look at authentic Cardarine reviews and outcomes from others.
We will review the results of two individuals If you’d like to get more feedback from others, check out our post on Cardarine both before and afterwards. Here we will discuss more photos of before and after as well as their cardarine cycle.
Cardarine Results #1
His cycle:
20 mg a day
This is a great illustration of what you could anticipate from the Cardarine Cycle. The person in the photo (the model in the photo) lost around 5percent body fat, and was able to maintain the bulk of his muscles.
Do your best to train at least 3-4 times per day and eat an moderately cleanse diet and you’ll get similar results using the same method like he did.
Cardarine Results #2
His cycle:
15mg per day
10 mg a day
As you can observe it is an illustration of an Cardarine or Ostarine cycle. He was able to achieve decent results but nothing extraordinary however. You’ll be able to get the results of this by following the right diet and a rigorous training. The person who is in the picture has lost a small amount of body fat. They also gained around 2 lbs of muscular mass.
You ought to be able to get results similar to this even with the help of Ostarine
Stacking GW 50156 with SARMs
Cardarine is not hormone-producing, so it doesn’t trigger any suppression of release of the natural Testosterone. This means we can stack it with any other SARM without issues or issues.
We recommend you combine it with SARMs, such as Ostarine or LGD-4033 depending on what you want to accomplish. If you’re looking to gain lean muscle mass with no fat, we suggest LGD-4033. If you’re looking to trim and retain the bulk of your muscles, you must mix it up with Ostarine.
Cutting and Bulking Cycles
We will cover the two cardarine cycle. The cutting cycle as well as the bulking. Both of these cycles employ SARMs using GW 50156. Remember that, if you’d like to use GW 50156 only and vice versa.
Cutting cycle:
This is an excellent cutting routine, it lets you maintain all of your muscle while putting on some more. It will help you lose weight and have plenty of energy. Keep in mind that diet and exercise are crucial and we cannot avoid it. It is not necessary to have PCT during this cycle. Ostarine is actually moderately suppressive. Our body is able to recover naturally within a couple of weeks following the cycle.
The cycle:
15 mg a day
10mg to 15mg per day
Lean bulk cycle
This example can be a fantastic Lean Bulking Cycle. It will help us gain lean muscle mass and shed some weight also. Remember, training and diet will be crucial and we’ll be unable to stay clear of the need for both. Also, we won’t require an invasive PCT during this cycle. The dose of LGD-4033 isn’t enough to cause any problems, and our bodies should recover naturally following the cycle.
The cycle:
Week: 1-8
Cardarine: 15mg a day, LGD 4033 2.5-10mg a day, PCT: no PCT
Cardarine Dosage
We recommend 10-25 mg of Cardarine each day to get the most effective results. Beginners should begin with 10 mg and gradually move up to. Dosages such as these were also proven to not have any signs of cancer-related risk which is why we recommend staying within this range.
It is recommended to cycle Cardarine for 8 weeks. Some people can do 12-weeks without difficulties, however we would suggest 8 weeks due to a study which we discussed earlier proved that this duration of the cycle is secure and doesn’t cause negative side effects.
For more information on this, take a look at the Cardarine Dosage guide.
Cardarine Half Life
The GW 50156 formula has a half-life of hours. This means that to maintain the highest levels of Cardarine within our bodies (to achieve the most effective outcomes) it is recommended to have a dose once each 24 hours. If you do not remember a dose but you’re worried, just use the usual dose (not an extra dose) on the following day and then continue your regular cycle.
A few recent studies have demonstrated that half-life for Cardarine could be anywhere from 10-24 hours.
That’s why you could go one step further by breaking your dose in two portions. Studies have proven that this is more effective than taking one dose every day. While the difference isn’t all that significant, it’s worthwhile to try it.
The first portion should be taken in the morning, then the second one later in the night. For instance that you take 20 mg of GW 50156 daily start with 10mg at the beginning of the day and the next 10mg during the night.
Learn further about it in our post on Cardarine Half-life in which we address questions such as the most effective time to take GW 50156 etc.
When Will Cardarine kick in?
Many don’t know how quickly Cardarine starts to kick in. It’s essential to be aware of this so that we are able to easily determine if our Cardarine is fake or not.
More Endurance
In terms of increase in performance, Cardarine starts working in around 20 minutes following the first dose and continues to work throughout the entire course. Usually, the endurance will begin decreasing gradually after the cycle. However, If you are doing lots of cardio after the course, you should maintain the majority all.
An increase in endurance is an excellent method to determine if your Gw 50156 is genuine. If you aren’t experiencing greater endurance following the first dose, then try increasing the dosage. If you don’t notice an improvement in endurance, even after trying 25mg per day, as an example it is likely that you have a bogus product.
Cardiovascular Health
The improved cardiovascular health is evident very quickly within the initial two weeks. We can’t really see this without performing the blood test, however, it’s still important to know that cardiovascular health will be improved rapidly.
Certain people who use chemicals that give the cardiovascular system difficult time (trenbolone for instance) are awestruck by Cardarine since it is completely safe. According to their test results, GW 50156 makes a massive improvement in cholesterol levels, blood pressure levels, etc. within just a week.
Fat Loss
The majority of people are attracted by the fat loss benefits. This takes longer to begin the process relative to the endurance benefits or improved cardiovascular health. From my personal experiences, it is possible to notice the first signs of weight loss within the initial two to three weeks after starting the cycling. If you train intensely and keep an watchful eye on your diet you’ll notice that it is happening quicker.
However, on average eating at a moderate calorie level and exercise regularly you should notice a reduction in fat towards the close in the third or second week.
Tips: Take frequent pictures of yourself. This means you’ll be able to easily track your performance.
Where to Purchase Cardarine
If you’re looking for positive results and not have any adverse effects from a substance such as Cardarine it is essential to ensure you’re using top-quality, pure substances. Certain companies offer products such as SARMs as well as GW50156 however they really put only a tiny amount of the actual substance in their products, instead putting other substances in the mix instead, such as prohormones. This could have severe adverse effects and may not bring you the results you desire.
This is why it’s essential that you purchase the GW 50156 as well as other chemicals from reputable companies that do not sell products that are bunk.
I suggest that you purchase your Cardarine from the company I recommend. I’ve tested their Cardarine and I am able to assure that it’s pure and top-quality. You’ll get amazing advantages from their products and will not experience any adverse consequences.
Additionally, they offer the option of a money-back guarantee for 90 days for those who aren’t happy with the product, so you’re not risking anything.
My top companies to consider purchasing Cardarine
In the end, Cardarine is a great product with incredible benefits such as:
Many are afraid of the fact that people discuss cancer when discussing the GW 50156. However, the compound isn’t a cause of cancer in normal doses. Recent studies have revealed that the famous Cardarine rats probably developed cancer due to the ridiculous duration of the cycle (2 2 years).
Additionally, Cardarine is amazing when we combine it with other substances such as Ostarine as well as LGD-4033. You can trim and retain all our muscles and bulk without adding weight. However, remember that these substances aren’t magic pills which will allow us to achieve whatever we want. Training and diet are still very crucial and are the main element in our performance.
Remember to purchase your products from trusted vendors like my top businesses This way, you are sure the quality of what you purchase.
FAQs About Cardarine – the GW 50156
Let’s look at some frequently asked questions (Frequently asked questions) regarding Cardarine ( the GW number 50156) and find the answers.
What is Cardarine (GW 50156)?
Cardarine is an agonist of the PPARd receptor that provides benefits such as increased endurance as well as heart health, weight loss as well as improved liver and kidney health.
What is the process behind Cardarine (GW 50156) What is the effect?
Cardarine can switch the energy sources from sugar to fat. This means we’ll be able to burn more fat, and will also have greater endurance.
What is the correct cardarine Dosage?
The recommended dosage of Cardarine is 10-25mg per day. Beginners should begin with 10 mg a day.
What is Cardarine Half-Life?
Its half life of Cardarine extends for 24hrs. This means we need to have a dose each day for optimal results.
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