A group of parents, together with diabetes paediatric nurse Claire Catanzaro, recently got together and organised a fun event for Type 1 diabetic children at L-Arka ta’ Noe, Siggiewi.
The event included activities and games, followed by a visit to the animal park. The aim of the event was for children to come together and realise they are not alone with this condition.
It also provided the opportunity for parents to meet and share their experiences and best practices in their children’s diabetes management. 
Type 1 Diabetes is an auto-immune disease that occurs when the body’s own immune system destroys healthy insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Contrary to some beliefs, children do not get Type 1 diabetes because they are overweight or take too many sugary foods.  
In most cases, the onset of the symptoms can be very sudden and sometimes occur after a viral illness.  
Currently, there are 150 Type 1 diabetic children under the age of 16 in Malta.
Even though Type 1 diabetes cannot be avoided, parents need to know of the symptoms, so they can take timely action in case their children become afflicted with it, risking intensive care treatment.   
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