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Updating the Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) Index each year with the latest data and literature and implementing feedback is important for at least the first few years, said Tom Robinson, vice president of global access at JDRF.

Tom Robinson, vice president of global access at JDRF, discusess plans to update the Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) Index each year.
Will the T1D Index be updated annually?
That's the plan, we plan to refresh it once a year. I think for the first few years, at least, we'll be doing 2 things: We'll be refreshing the latest data and latest literature, but we'll also be taking into account feedback that we received and also some of our own ambitions to improve on what we started with.
We want to make it more granular and specific and accurate, like state-level data or take into account genetic backgrounds and so forth. We want to quantify more of the burden of type 1, so the economic burdens, quality of life burdens, psychosocial burdens. I want to have 1 number that's all the ways in which type 1 steals from us in 1 number, that would be a really powerful place to get to. Currently, we have all the physical elements, but I want to have the full suite.
The last thing is we're looking at ways to turn the index into a way that we can track progress. So, using a combination of surveys and direct interviews and industry reports, industry data to say, how is the prevailing standard of care changing in different countries and, therefore, how do we expect that's affecting mortality rates and complication rates and the experience living with type 1, so that we can actually look and say, "Oh, wow, over the last 5 years there's been this incredible progress in India, but we've gone backwards in this state in America." Being able to really hold our own feet to the fire and also the global community's feet to the fire in making progress.


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