An interactive session with patients at Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre threw up interesting perspectives for doctors treating them.
A patient sought ways to counter the spate of information from social media, most of which were probably not helpful. The patient called for links to alternative medicines and developing groups in social media so that patients could interact.
Another participant, who had been supporting her diabetic parents and had managed to remain free of the condition for over 20 years, called for women-centric information and activities so that they can take care of their health despite their busy schedule as homemakers and caregivers.
Her doctor and managing director of Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre R.M. Anjana spoke about the new app it had launched for patients to interact with the doctors and stay updated.
A 35-year-old patient called for sensitising parents and helping them overcome the trauma and agony of learning their child’s condition. The father of a five-year-old child with Type 1 diabetes wanted to know the possibility of replacing insulin shots with pills.
The Centre’s chairman V. Mohan assuaged the parent’s angst saying that insulin had given quality of life to Type 1 diabetics which is a boon. Until the discovery of insulin 100 years ago, such children would have survived for just a few months. However, a lot of research is continuing to help diabetics manage their condition, he said.
The Centre had organised an interactive session between doctors and patients on Friday ahead of World Diabetes Day being observed on November 14.
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Printable version | Nov 11, 2022 9:46:41 pm |