
Woman Stomach Pain

The study found that a high-fat diet can provoke pain sensitivity even in the absence of obesity and diabetes.

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A recent study of mice conducted by researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas found that short-term consumption of a high-fat diet may be linked to pain sensations, even without a preexisting injury or condition such as obesity or diabetes.

The study, published in <span class=glossaryLink aria-describedby=tt data-cmtooltip="

Scientific Reports
Established in 2011, &lt;em&gt;Scientific Report&lt;/em&gt;s is a peer-reviewed open-access scientific mega journal published by Nature Portfolio, covering all areas of the natural sciences. In September 2016, it became the largest journal in the world by number of articles, overtaking &lt;em&gt;PLOS ON&lt;/em&gt;E.

” data-gt-translate-attributes='[{“attribute”:”data-cmtooltip”, “format”:”html”}]’>Scientific Reports, compared the effects of different diets on two groups of mice. One group was fed normal chow, while the other was given a high-fat diet that did not cause obesity or high blood sugar, both of which can lead to diabetic neuropathy and other types of pain.

if(typeof ez_ad_units!=’undefined’){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],’scitechdaily_com-medrectangle-3′,’ezslot_0′,110,’0′,’0′])};__ez_fad_position(‘div-gpt-ad-scitechdaily_com-medrectangle-3-0’);

The researchers found that the high-fat diet induced hyperalgesic priming — a neurological change that represents the transition from acute to chronic pain — and allodynia, which is pain resulting from stimuli that do not normally provoke pain.


“This study indicates you don’t need obesity to trigger pain; you don’t need diabetes; you don’t need a pathology or injury at all,” said Dr. Michael Burton, assistant professor of neuroscience in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences and corresponding author of the article. “Eating a high-fat diet for a short period of time is enough — a diet similar to what almost all of us in the U.S. eat at some point.”

Michael Burton, Calvin D. Uong and Melissa E. Lenert

Dr. Michael Burton (from left), Calvin D. Uong, and Melissa E. Lenert found that a type of fatty acid called palmitic acid binds to a particular receptor on nerve cells, a process that results in inflammation and mimics injury to the neurons. Credit: University of Texas at Dallas

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The study also compared obese, diabetic mice with those that just experienced dietary changes.

“It became clear, surprisingly, that you don’t need an underlying pathology or obesity. You just needed the diet,” Burton said. “This is the first study to demonstrate the influential role of a short exposure to a high-fat diet to allodynia or chronic pain.”

Western diets are rich in fats — in particular, saturated fats, which have proved to be responsible for an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and associated conditions. Individuals who consume high amounts of saturated fats — like butter, cheese, and red meat — have high amounts of free fatty acids circulating in their bloodstream that in turn induce systemic inflammation.

Recently, scientists have shown that these high-fat diets also increase existing mechanical pain sensitivity in the absence of obesity and that they can aggravate preexisting conditions or hinder recovery from injury. No studies, however, have clarified how high-fat diets alone can be a sensitizing factor in inducing pain from nonpainful stimuli, such as a light touch on the skin, Burton said.

if(typeof ez_ad_units!=’undefined’){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],’scitechdaily_com-box-4′,’ezslot_10′,112,’0′,’0′])};__ez_fad_position(‘div-gpt-ad-scitechdaily_com-box-4-0’);if(typeof ez_ad_units!=’undefined’){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],’scitechdaily_com-box-4′,’ezslot_11′,112,’0′,’1′])};__ez_fad_position(‘div-gpt-ad-scitechdaily_com-box-4-0_1’);.box-4-multi-112{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}

“We’ve seen in the past that, in models of diabetes or obesity, only a subsection of the people or animals experience allodynia, and if they do, it varies across a spectrum, and it isn’t clear why,” Burton said. “We hypothesized that there had to be other precipitating factors.”

Burton and his team looked for saturated fatty acids in the blood of the mice fed the high-fat diet. They found that a type of fatty <span class=glossaryLink aria-describedby=tt data-cmtooltip="

Any substance that when dissolved in water, gives a pH less than 7.0, or donates a hydrogen ion.

” data-gt-translate-attributes='[{“attribute”:”data-cmtooltip”, “format”:”html”}]’>acid called palmitic acid — the most common saturated fatty acid in animals — binds to a particular receptor on nerve cells, a process that results in inflammation and mimics injury to the neurons.

“The metabolites from the diet are causing inflammation before we see pathology develop,” Burton said. “Diet itself caused markers of neuronal injury.

“Now that we see that it’s the sensory neurons that are affected, how is it happening? We discovered that if you take away the receptor that the palmitic acid binds to, you don’t see that sensitizing effect on those neurons. That suggests there’s a way to block it pharmacologically.”

Burton said the next step will be to focus on the neurons themselves — how they are activated and how injuries to them can be reversed. It is part of a larger effort to understand better the transition from acute to chronic pain.

“The mechanism behind this transition is important because it is the presence of chronic pain — from whatever source — that is fueling the opioid epidemic,” he said. “If we figure out a way to prevent that transition from acute to chronic, it could do a lot of good.”

Burton said he hopes his research encourages healthcare professionals to consider the role diet plays in influencing pain.

“The biggest reason we do research like this is because we want to understand our physiology completely,” he said. “Now, when a patient goes to a clinician, they treat a symptom, based on an underlying disease or condition. Maybe we need to pay more attention to how the patient got there: Does the patient have diabetes-induced or obesity-induced inflammation; has a terrible diet sensitized them to pain more than they realized? That would be a paradigm shift.”

if(typeof ez_ad_units!=’undefined’){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],’scitechdaily_com-large-leaderboard-2′,’ezslot_16′,114,’0′,’0′])};__ez_fad_position(‘div-gpt-ad-scitechdaily_com-large-leaderboard-2-0’);if(typeof ez_ad_units!=’undefined’){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],’scitechdaily_com-large-leaderboard-2′,’ezslot_17′,114,’0′,’1′])};__ez_fad_position(‘div-gpt-ad-scitechdaily_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1’);.large-leaderboard-2-multi-114{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}

Reference: “High-fat diet causes mechanical allodynia in the absence of injury or diabetic pathology” by Jessica A. Tierney, Calvin D. Uong, Melissa E. Lenert, Marisa Williams and Michael D. Burton, 1 September 2022, Scientific Reports.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-18281-x

The study was funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the UT System STARS (Science and Technology Acquisition and Retention) program, the American Pain Society, and the Rita Allen Foundation.

The study found that a high-fat diet can provoke pain sensitivity even in the absence of obesity and diabetes.
A recent study of mice conducted by researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas found that short-term consumption of a high-fat diet may be linked to pain sensations, even without a preexisting injury or condition such as obesity or diabetes.
The study, published in <span class=glossaryLink aria-describedby=tt data-cmtooltip="

Scientific Reports
Established in 2011, &lt;em&gt;Scientific Report&lt;/em&gt;s is a peer-reviewed open-access scientific mega journal published by Nature Portfolio, covering all areas of the natural sciences. In September 2016, it became the largest journal in the world by number of articles, overtaking &lt;em&gt;PLOS ON&lt;/em&gt;E.

” data-gt-translate-attributes='[{“attribute”:”data-cmtooltip”, “format”:”html”}]’>Scientific Reports, compared the effects of different diets on two groups of mice. One group was fed normal chow, while the other was given a high-fat diet that did not cause obesity or high blood sugar, both of which can lead to diabetic neuropathy and other types of pain.
The researchers found that the high-fat diet induced hyperalgesic priming — a neurological change that represents the transition from acute to chronic pain — and allodynia, which is pain resulting from stimuli that do not normally provoke pain.


“This study indicates you don’t need obesity to trigger pain; you don’t need diabetes; you don’t need a pathology or injury at all,” said Dr. Michael Burton, assistant professor of neuroscience in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences and corresponding author of the article. “Eating a high-fat diet for a short period of time is enough — a diet similar to what almost all of us in the U.S. eat at some point.”

Michael Burton, Calvin D. Uong and Melissa E. Lenert

Dr. Michael Burton (from left), Calvin D. Uong, and Melissa E. Lenert found that a type of fatty acid called palmitic acid binds to a particular receptor on nerve cells, a process that results in inflammation and mimics injury to the neurons. Credit: University of Texas at Dallas

if(typeof ez_ad_units!=’undefined’){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],’scitechdaily_com-medrectangle-4′,’ezslot_4′,111,’0′,’0′])};__ez_fad_position(‘div-gpt-ad-scitechdaily_com-medrectangle-4-0’);

Dr. Michael Burton (from left), Calvin D. Uong, and Melissa E. Lenert found that a type of fatty acid called palmitic acid binds to a particular receptor on nerve cells, a process that results in inflammation and mimics injury to the neurons. Credit: University of Texas at Dallas
The study also compared obese, diabetic mice with those that just experienced dietary changes.
“It became clear, surprisingly, that you don’t need an underlying pathology or obesity. You just needed the diet,” Burton said. “This is the first study to demonstrate the influential role of a short exposure to a high-fat diet to allodynia or chronic pain.”
Western diets are rich in fats — in particular, saturated fats, which have proved to be responsible for an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and associated conditions. Individuals who consume high amounts of saturated fats — like butter, cheese, and red meat — have high amounts of free fatty acids circulating in their bloodstream that in turn induce systemic inflammation.
Recently, scientists have shown that these high-fat diets also increase existing mechanical pain sensitivity in the absence of obesity and that they can aggravate preexisting conditions or hinder recovery from injury. No studies, however, have clarified how high-fat diets alone can be a sensitizing factor in inducing pain from nonpainful stimuli, such as a light touch on the skin, Burton said.
“We’ve seen in the past that, in models of diabetes or obesity, only a subsection of the people or animals experience allodynia, and if they do, it varies across a spectrum, and it isn’t clear why,” Burton said. “We hypothesized that there had to be other precipitating factors.”
Burton and his team looked for saturated fatty acids in the blood of the mice fed the high-fat diet. They found that a type of fatty <span class=glossaryLink aria-describedby=tt data-cmtooltip="

Any substance that when dissolved in water, gives a pH less than 7.0, or donates a hydrogen ion.

” data-gt-translate-attributes='[{“attribute”:”data-cmtooltip”, “format”:”html”}]’>acid called palmitic acid — the most common saturated fatty acid in animals — binds to a particular receptor on nerve cells, a process that results in inflammation and mimics injury to the neurons.
“The metabolites from the diet are causing inflammation before we see pathology develop,” Burton said. “Diet itself caused markers of neuronal injury.
“Now that we see that it’s the sensory neurons that are affected, how is it happening? We discovered that if you take away the receptor that the palmitic acid binds to, you don’t see that sensitizing effect on those neurons. That suggests there’s a way to block it pharmacologically.”
Burton said the next step will be to focus on the neurons themselves — how they are activated and how injuries to them can be reversed. It is part of a larger effort to understand better the transition from acute to chronic pain.
“The mechanism behind this transition is important because it is the presence of chronic pain — from whatever source — that is fueling the opioid epidemic,” he said. “If we figure out a way to prevent that transition from acute to chronic, it could do a lot of good.”
Burton said he hopes his research encourages healthcare professionals to consider the role diet plays in influencing pain.
“The biggest reason we do research like this is because we want to understand our physiology completely,” he said. “Now, when a patient goes to a clinician, they treat a symptom, based on an underlying disease or condition. Maybe we need to pay more attention to how the patient got there: Does the patient have diabetes-induced or obesity-induced inflammation; has a terrible diet sensitized them to pain more than they realized? That would be a paradigm shift.”
Reference: “High-fat diet causes mechanical allodynia in the absence of injury or diabetic pathology” by Jessica A. Tierney, Calvin D. Uong, Melissa E. Lenert, Marisa Williams and Michael D. Burton, 1 September 2022, Scientific Reports.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-18281-x
The study was funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the UT System STARS (Science and Technology Acquisition and Retention) program, the American Pain Society, and the Rita Allen Foundation.


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The fundamental handicap of such studies is that mice are nowhere even close to humans in terms of their body and cell metabolism. A human trial of this would be a different story. So far evidence has shown that cutting out carbs, but high fat can reduce inflammation and autoimmune chronic disorders. So there’s that
The TD.08500 diet they used in their study has 9g/kg of table sugar. Table sugar is known to cause inflammation due to the presence of fructose which the body does not metabolize well in high quantities. In some cases, the body doesn’t process fructose well in small quantities either.
Source of Diet
The TD.08500, Teklad Custom Diet, Envigo contains 90g/kg of sucrose. Table sugar is known to trigger inflammation due to the body’s mechanisms of fructose metabolism. Having fructose in your experimental diet (attached to glucose as sucrose) could have confounded your results, even in the small quantity present (0.9%).
Fructose and Inflammation
TD.08500 Diet
The study does not even define the makeup of the high fat diet. Probably loaded with omega 6, and not actually related to the fatty acid profile of meat, butter, or other things that the study asserts to be bad. More junk science to come to a predetermined conclusion. Probably sponsored by Phizer or similar.
Absolute hogwash. I am living proof of a diet of healthy fats like butter, grass fed beef, eggs etc is one of the best diets you can do. I am 54, ripped, low cholesterol,and excellent blood work. These studies are sponsored by institutions that have a anterior motive for these “findings”. I have many other studies that praise healthy fats and a keto diet as the only way to go. I base it on my own testing.
As my fellow intelectuals put it. Absolute hogwash. “A high fat diet that does not cause obesity or high blood sugar” tell us what you fed them.
This is flawed. The controls were inadequate. Sugar and starch must be tightly controlled to isolate fat alone as the cause of chronic pain. They have proven nothing.
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