News News | 1 hr ago
The Paleo Diet is now recognized for weight loss and helping to recover from Type-2 diabetes. But, it also helps mitigate inflammatory conditions that are a result of ingesting toxins in the food system and eating processed foods. The suggestions below are not just a temporary New Year’s resolution, but a commitment for a healthier lifestyle to support your body in the face of environmental toxins, a contaminated food supply, and viruses that attack your immune system. It’s time to really pay attention to what you eat and what you bring into your homes.
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Once you’ve eliminated the bad stuff, you may think there’s nothing left to eat, but actually there’s plenty left and it’s all healthy.
Happy, Healthy New Year. You are now ready to implement your healthy lifestyle, never to go back to harmful eating habits and ill health.
Pauli Halstead is a healthy food chef, coach and author of ‘Primal Cuisine, Cooking for The Paleo Diet.’
The Environmental Working Group Annual Shopper’s Guide.
Improving our Global Food System:The Key to Human, Animal, and Environmental Progress-The Stray Dog Institute
Why the U.S. is Losing the Fight to Ban Toxic Chemicals-ProPublica
‘The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies’-Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, L. Ac. FABNO, Jess Higgens Kelly, MNT
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Have you ever seen your name on a theater marquee? I have. Many years ago, four-inch red letters blared “Dr. Kane” in front of a movie theater near Fourteenth and Fruitvale in Oakland.
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Jul 5, 2022

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