As a person with type 2 diabetes, sometimes I struggle during bad days. That doesn’t mean that I’ve given up or I’m not trying, I simply had a bad day or week. Asking for help can sometimes be a challenge because you feel that you’ve let yourself down, or you’ve let down the people you love, or you’re simply embarrassed to ask. 
Unfortunately, as a result, you deal with your condition in silence. I had to learn this lesson the hard way because not talking to someone caused me to be depressed for too long. It’s OK to ask for help. The benefits of asking for help are that it relieves stress and takes the pressure off the person who is going through it. 
Sometimes it’s not as bad as you thought and you get the help you need. You feel better often after you share what is going on, and sometimes the person you confide in can give you answers, lend an ear, or even give a hug when you really need it. When we seek help, we give ourselves validation that we are human, and that we do need help. Often, someone else is going through the same or a similar situation as you, and talking through it can resolve the issue or relieve a little stress. 
Stress is a very harmful and dangerous situation to be in. It can cause chest pains, heart attacks, strokes, weight loss, weight gain, depression, and overeating. Stress is a silent killer. Don’t let it be the factor to end your life early because you had too much pride to ask for help. Stress and diabetes are even worse because they can cause your glucose numbers to go up. If you’re feeling stressed, take a moment to try to calm down. If that doesn’t work, call a friend or family member to ask for help. When you talk to someone about your issues, it often releases the pressure that you were feeling, and sometimes you even feel better after you’ve let it out. If you’re too ashamed to talk to a friend or a family member, look for a support group or see if your job has an employee assistance program (EAP). This program provides counselors who can help you cope with your situation. Some companies offer a limited number of free sessions. 
Exercise is also a good way to relieve some stress. In life, we will all go through things that are good or bad, but how we handle that is key to having balance in our lives. I’m here to tell you that it is OK to ask for help. It is OK to talk to someone to help you cope! 
Your life matters, and we need you here with us. So when you are feeling stressed or just simply having a bad day or week, know that it is OK. You’re entitled to have a bad day, moment, or week, as we all have them. Ask for help, so that you don’t have to deal with your situation alone.  
Learn, share, and connect with others on WebMD’s Type 2 Diabetes Facebook Support Group.
Photo Credit: Cecilie_Arcurs / E+ via Getty Images
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A native of the Washington, DC, metro area, Robin Dorsey has lived with Type 2 diabetes for 15 years. She’s the award-winning host of The Impact with Robin Dorsey, which airs on DCTV public access and will soon be on Fairfax Public Access (FPA) TV. The show profiles nonprofit organizations, community outreach efforts, extraordinary individuals and celebrity red carpet events. She founded her own publishing company, Dorsey Publishing, and is the co-author of A Mother & Daughter Memoirs of Love, Desire, Pain and Inspiration. She wrote the book along with her late mother, Renita T. Mock. Robin is an Ambassador for the American Diabetes Association (ADA). In addition, she has her MBA and provides subject matter expertise to the federal government. She has administered federal contracts for over 20 years. Her ultimate goal is to make a difference and to help “Stop Diabetes.” She is a proud mother to a handsome son, Darius, who is her biggest supporter and helps her maintain her diabetes.
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