There are three things you should know about Jody Reid; she hates squat cleans, loves power cleans, oh, and she reversed her Type 2 Diabetes three years ago. 
Reid, 36, is a mother-of-three who has always had a love for fitness and food (which she would call an addiction). But it wasn’t until she found a CrossFit gym–Roy Community Fitness and took control of her diet that she actually saw life-changing results. 
Diabetes is a chronic health condition that occurs when your body doesn’t make enough insulin resulting in too much sugar in the bloodstream, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 
There is no cure for the disease, but doctors will commonly suggest losing weight, eating healthier and being active. The effects of high intensity interval training on diabetes has been the focal point of research in recent years. 
Reid had heard of CrossFit through her sister and gave it a try starting in 2016. She says she was 31 when she was told she was prediabetic, the stage that precedes diabetes. After joining the gym she says she didn’t change her eating habits at first. 
She adds, she actually started to eat more when she started CrossFit and wasn’t paying attention to what she was putting in her body. It was towards the end of 2018 when Reid said she stopped her membership due to a new job at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). 
By the start of 2019 doctors revealed to her after blood work was done that she was a full-blown Type-2 Diabetic. Admittedly, Reid says she has been told by doctors time and time again that she needed to lose weight, but never did anything about it or had tried and wasn’t making any progress. 
A nutrition challenge came up at Roy Community Fitness at the start of 2019 when everything changed for Reid. She began counting her macros and watching what food she was putting in her body, and consistently showing up to train. 
Reid said for the first time she felt good going into workouts and felt like she was getting stronger. 
After those five months of hard work educating herself on what foods she should be putting in her body, and another doctor’s visit, blood work would reveal Reid was no longer diabetic, which brought her to tears. She still is diabetes-free three years later. 
“It just made all other aspects of my life better. My mental health was better. My physical health of course was better. And you know, sometimes I challenge my kids to things that I can do and they can’t,” she said. 
Kevin Lundell, owner of Roy Community Fitness, said Reid was up front about her goals and the reasons why she was at the gym. The two, he adds, had many deep conversations about her health and what she needed to do to overcome her diabetes. 
Lundell adds, as much as Reid has gotten out of coming to Roy “she’s the kind of person that has given back more, she’s the kind of person that makes a class better and adds value to what we do.” 
Now, Reid says her work and life have stopped her from going to the gym as often as she’d like, but wants to get back to doing what she loves. 
“I don’t love all the movements, but I love a lot of them. And I think if I hadn’t found something that I loved for the exercise piece of the puzzle I’m pretty sure I’d still be struggling way more today,” said Reid. “I still struggle. But I think that piece of it, the CrossFit, was what worked for me.”
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