Leanne McCrate
Dear Dietitian,
My boyfriend is a big believer in dietary supplements. He has type 2 diabetes, and he takes medication for this. He eats right most of the time and exercises three times a week. He recently started taking cinnamon to help improve his blood sugar levels. Does cinnamon really help with blood sugar?
Dear Sharon,
It sounds like your boyfriend is exercising good judgment in his diabetes management. It also sounds like he has a kind, supportive girlfriend. Type 2 diabetes is very manageable, but it requires exercise, monitoring blood glucose levels, a healthy diet and, sometimes, medication. Many people may include an integrative approach to diabetes management. One such technique includes cinnamon.
In 2018, 34.2 million Americans, or 10.5% of the population, had diabetes. About 1.5 million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed every year in the United States. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas still secretes insulin, but it may not produce enough, or the body may not use it efficiently. In contrast, in type 1 diabetes, the pancreas’s beta cells have been damaged and no longer can secrete insulin.
Cinnamon comes from the Greek, meaning “sweet wood.” It is in almost every kitchen cabinet in America and is created from the Cinnamomum tree’s inner bark. There are two main types of cinnamon: Ceylon cinnamon and cassia. Cassia is most likely the type of cinnamon in your spice rack, because it is the most common type sold in the U.S. Cassia cinnamon contains coumarin, which may cause liver damage when taken in high doses. Ceylon cinnamon would be the wiser choice if you plan to take a supplement.
The manner in which cinnamon may help lower blood sugar levels is unclear. Scientists believe the spice helps in two ways. Cinnamon may play a role in transporting glucose into the cell where it belongs, lowering the amount of glucose in the bloodstream. Cinnamon also may improve insulin sensitivity, which is how well your body responds to insulin. In other words, does your body allow insulin to perform its duty?
Several small studies on cinnamon’s effect on blood sugar levels have produced mixed results. Different types of cinnamon are used in the studies and doses are variable, making it difficult to compare results. In a meta-analysis of 16 randomized controlled trials, cinnamon significantly reduced fasting blood sugar levels and reduced insulin resistance. Interestingly, it did not reduce hemoglobin A1C levels, the three-month average blood sugar levels. However, other studies have found that cinnamon lowered both fasting blood sugar and A1C.
The American Diabetes Association does not recommend using cinnamon to help control blood sugar levels, stating there is insufficient evidence to show it is effective. Talk to your doctor before using cinnamon as a part of your diabetes treatment regimen.
Until next time, be healthy!
Dear Dietitian
Leanne McCrate, RDN, LD, is an award-winning dietitian based in St. Louis, Missouri. Her mission is to educate consumers on sound, science-based nutrition. Do you have a nutrition question? Email her today at deardietitian411@gmail.com. Dear Dietitian does not endorse any products, health programs, or diet plans.


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