Nov. 18, 2022
An effort by Sanford Health to identify children at risk of developing type 1 diabetes and celiac disease has received a $3.4 million grant to advance its work.
Sanford’s PLEDGE study involves a blood test to identify kids at risk and integrate it into routine pediatric care at Sanford clinics.
The $3.4 million grant from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust will support continued screening to identify children at risk of developing type 1 diabetes or celiac disease. The Helmsley Charitable Trust made an initial $1.3 million grant when the PLEDGE study launched in 2020.
In T1D, the immune system makes antibodies that destroy the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, which the body uses to turn food into energy. Some of the genetic risk factors for T1D are shared with celiac disease, in which eating foods containing gluten triggers the immune system, causing inflammation in the small intestine.
Children with celiac disease start with few, if any, symptoms and progress to more typical gastrointestinal issues. Left untreated, more serious complications can develop, including effects on growth and physical development.
“The goal of the PLEDGE study is to be able to catch those children who are on the path towards type 1 diabetes so that we can prevent diabetic ketoacidosis — a life-threatening condition that has often developed by the time T1D is first recognized in a child,” said Dr. Kurt Griffin, principal investigator of the PLEDGE study and the Todd and Linda Broin Chair of the Sanford Project.
“Children with T1D who are treated with insulin early enough to prevent DKA have better glycemic control for years afterwards. We expect results from PLEDGE will help support inclusion of these tests among those that are standard for all children.”
Children found to have markers related to T1D through the PLEDGE study are offered education, ongoing monitoring and appropriate early intervention to prevent serious illness at the time of diagnosis. When applicable, Sanford also will offer participation in clinical trials seeking to delay or stop the progression to clinical T1D.
Children with markers of celiac disease are referred to pediatric gastroenterologists for treatment.
Since its launch, the PLEDGE study has expanded to 126 clinics across Sanford’s footprint in the Dakotas, Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska. More than 5,000 patients have signed up for PLEDGE. To date, close to 20 patients with persistent T1D antibodies have been identified and are undergoing periodic monitoring.
The Helmsley Charitable Trust’s Type 1 Diabetes Program “is committed to supporting screening for early stages of T1D to improve clinical care and outcomes for affected children,” said Dr. Anne Koralova, program officer at the Helmsley Charitable Trust.
Parents can enroll their children in the study if their child:
To learn more or to enroll in PLEDGE, talk with your child’s primary care physician or visit
CEO Series: Walter Panzirer

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An effort by Sanford Health to identify children at risk of developing type 1 diabetes and celiac disease has received a $3.4 million grant to advance its work.
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