These relaxed muscles slow down digestion, which can lead to more-than-usual gas, bloating, burping, and flatulence, especially after you've had a big meal.
When you’re pregnant, your body churns out progesterone, a hormone that relaxes all your muscles, including the ones in your digestive tract. These relaxed muscles slow down digestion, which can lead to more-than-usual gas, bloating, burping, and flatulence, especially after you’ve had a big meal. So, Somya Luhadia, Certified Fitness Trainer & Dietician reveals diet tips that can help you with gastrointestinal issues during pregnancy. 
1. Eat at the same time every day for your body to understand your pattern & develop a metabolism 
2. Avoid too much salt & spicy food
3. Avoid milk-based products if gastrointestinal problems are high
4. Eat high-fibre food like oats, quinoa, multigrain chapati, brown rice, millets

5. Drink lots of water throughout the day, sipping it throughout 
6. Have papaya as a fruit in breakfast 3-4 times a week
7. Have digestion drink, boil ajwain with saunf & jeera for 5 mins add lemon after 5 mins of cool down, strain & have it!
8. Walk after meals for 20-30 mins at least

9. Sit in thunderbolt pose (vajrasana ) post-walk for 10 mins
10. Go for 15-20 min of bedtime exercise before sleep
Full-Day Meal Plan
Early morning drink : 
2 glasses of lukewarm water with lemon
Early morning snack 
4-5 almonds & 5 walnuts
Breakfast Options 
1. Almond milk smoothie 
Almond milk (1 glass ) with banana (1) + oats (2 tbsp) + museli (1 bowl )  + dates  (4-5 ) blended together 
2. Oatmeal , oats with fruits 
3. Green smoothie ( spinach + apple + banana + honey + almond milk )
4. Upma with vegetables 

Mid Morning drink 
1. Aam panna ( carry ki chach )
2. Buttermilk 

1. Curd Millets/ Quinoa
2. Quick Sprouts 
3. Sauté vegetables 
4. Veg Roll 
5. Rice & Daal
6. Rice bowl
7. Quinoa salad 
8. Instant Oatmeal
1. Beetroot juice with roasted makhane
2. Green tea with peanuts
3. Roasted Paneer 
1. Masala Daliya
2. Instant Quinoa
3. Leftover Rice Salad
4. Leftover chapati recipe
5. Instant oatmeal
6. Veg Millets
7. Leftover Daal with millets/ quinoa
8. Paneer Salad
9. Sauté vegetables 
10. Quick vegetable wrap 
11. Vegetable brown bread sandwich

Night drink 
Any herbal Tea
ALSO READ: No-Nonsense Guide To Fighting Emotional Eating


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