Generally, healthcare professionals recommend checking blood sugar before meals and at bedtime. However, this can vary depending on a person’s diabetes management plan.
When a person has type 2 diabetes, their body cannot regulate the volume of sugar, or glucose, in their blood. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels can be a key tool for managing the condition.
Read on to learn about the benefits, how to check blood sugar levels, the best time to check, and more.
A person with type 2 diabetes may have too much sugar — also called glucose — in their blood. Glucose is the primary source of energy for all cells.
Type 2 diabetes causes problems with the production or use of insulin, a hormone that breaks down blood glucose. This means the glucose stays in the bloodstream.
If a person has too much glucose in their blood, they can experience complications such as:
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people with type 2 diabetes should regularly monitor their blood glucose. They can check their levels before or after:
A person and their doctor can use this information to create an effective treatment plan. With a customized plan, a person can reduce their risk of serious health complications.
Not everyone may check their blood sugar at the same times. A person with type 2 diabetes should talk with a healthcare professional about how often to check their blood glucose levels.
For people who can eat a typical diet, doctors generally recommend checking blood glucose levels before meals and at bedtime.
For people who are receiving enteral nutrition — which goes directly into the stomach or small intestine — and those who are staying in a hospital and cannot eat for medical reasons, doctors recommend checking every 4–6 hours.
The HbA1c test, which people may also call hemoglobin A1c or A1C, measures a person’s average blood sugar levels over the previous 3 months. It can help a person and their doctor detect trends in their blood sugar levels.
People most commonly check their blood glucose levels using a blood glucose meter. To use a blood glucose meter, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that a person do the following:
Some people check their blood sugar with continuous glucose monitoring. In this case, a monitoring device requires a person to have a tiny sensor inserted under their skin. Every few minutes, the sensor takes a reading of the amount of glucose in the interstitial fluid, which is the fluid between a person’s cells.
This shows the changes in their glucose levels over time.
However, measuring glucose in this way causes a delay in the reading, so a person should still do occasional finger-prick blood tests to check that the device is accurate.
Learn more about how to check blood glucose at home.
To accurately measure their blood sugar, a person should record all their blood glucose test readings.
A person may want to record their measurements in:
They can then review the results with their healthcare team to see whether any changes to their diabetes care plan are necessary.
A person should discuss their individual blood glucose target ranges with a healthcare professional.
There is no one-size-fits-all target range. A variety of factors can affect a person’s target range, including:
The ADA says that for most adults, excluding pregnant people, A1C should be lower than 7%. People can also aim for an estimated average glucose (eAG) of less than 154 mg/dL.
To understand the effect that eating has on blood glucose levels, a person should check their preprandial (before a meal) glucose level. The reading should be between 80 and 130 mg/dL.
They should check their postprandial (after a meal) glucose level 1–2 hours after eating. This reading should be lower than 180 mg/dL 2 hours after eating.
A person may need medical help if they experience hypoglycemia, which is a reading below 70 mg/dL. They can try to raise their blood sugar by:
Healthcare professionals often recommend the 15–15 rule for treating low blood sugar. This involves eating 15 grams of carbs, waiting 15 minutes, and repeating the blood sugar test. If a person’s blood sugar is still lower than 70 mg/dL, they can repeat the 15 grams of carbs.
However, if this does not help, they should seek medical attention.
If a person witnesses someone with diabetes experiencing severe hypoglycemia and becoming unconscious, they should:
Having regular hypers, or states of hyperglycemia — meaning high blood sugar — can lead to the diabetes complications mentioned above. Hyperglycemia is a fasting blood sugar level higher than 125 mg/dL and a postprandial blood sugar level higher than 180 mg/dL.
In this case, a person should contact a healthcare professional to review their diabetes care plan and get their blood sugar levels back down to within their target range.
Type 2 diabetes causes problems with the production or use of insulin, a hormone the body needs to help blood sugar enter the cells to provide energy. Checking blood sugar levels regularly is a key way for a person with type 2 diabetes to manage their condition.
A person should consult a healthcare professional to find out exactly when they should check their levels. Typically, people should check before meals and before bed.
Last medically reviewed on November 17, 2022
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