Posted on November 14, 2022 at 1:26 pm
Health & Beauty Lifestyle
Diabetes is a long-term condition that affects how your body converts food into energy. Your body converts the food you consume into sugar (glucose), which is then released into your bloodstream. When your blood sugar levels increase, your pancreas releases insulin. If you have diabetes, your pancreas might not be able to release insulin as required, or the insulin might not be able to do its job.
Your pancreas either doesn’t create any or makes very little insulin. Without insulin, blood sugar cannot enter cells and accumulates in the bloodstream. This is a genetic condition that frequently manifests in childhood. Your immune system attacks and kills the insulin-producing cells in your pancreas when you have type 1 diabetes.
Your body does not utilize insulin effectively if you have type 2. While some people may maintain their blood glucose (blood sugar) levels through diet and exercise, others may require medication or insulin.
People over 40 are more likely to have type 2 diabetes. This is primarily connected to lifestyle choices. 
There are a variety of cause of diabetes. Some of the most common include genetics, lifestyle choices, and certain medical conditions.
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes causes the following symptoms: 
Fasting blood sugar levels of 99 mg/dL or less are considered normal, 100 mg/dL to 125 mg/dL are considered prediabetic, and 126 mg/dL or above are considered diabetes levels.
The blood sugar normal level chart is a graph that helps monitor blood glucose regularly. Usually, the body must maintain a balance between the amount of insulin and carbs in the blood.
Your blood sugar levels will vary based on age, gender, and degree of activity. People with diabetes might use it to help them manage their blood sugar levels. Doctors might utilize charts showing normal blood sugar levels to monitor progress.
Blood sugar levels should be kept under 100 mg/dl or 4.4 mmol/L, or if your doctor has prescribed medication to help you manage your diabetes. Maintaining a blood sugar level of 140 mg/dl, or 7.8 mmol/L, enables your body to regulate your blood sugar levels with less insulin.
The American Diabetes Association’s recommended blood glucose levels are shown in the chart below. However, you should call your doctor immediately if your readings fall outside or inside this range.
This blood sugar chart displays the ideal HbA1c levels for those with and without diabetes and the typical blood sugar levels before and after meals.
Source: American Diabetes Association
If you are ill and discover that you have high blood sugar, meaning 240 mg/dL or above, check the level of ketones in your urine. A ketone test kit is available at pharmacies. Call your doctor if your ketones are elevated. High ketone levels could indicate diabetic ketoacidosis, a serious medical condition requiring immediate care.
There are numerous methods to support normal blood sugar levels.
Here’s how you can control your random blood sugar levels:
People with diabetes or those at risk can control their blood sugar levels with help from the normal blood sugar level chart. Knowing where your blood sugar should be at all times enables you to treat the condition or stop it from happening in the future. Contact us right away if you’re interested in learning more about what occurs when your blood sugar levels are too high or low. We can answer all your inquiries and give you individualized advice on how to consume a healthy diet and live a happy life.
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