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Carrying extra weight means more than just a bigger waistline. Extra pounds puts you at higher risk for diabetes, plus adds pressure on backs and knees. That’s why Dr. Jennifer Penrose at Penrose & Associates Physical Therapy in Lacey is marking November’s American Diabetes Month by offering a low glycemic impact eating plan to reduce weight and return you to better health.
“Patients come to see us for knee pain or back pain, and we see they are also struggling with their weight,” says Penrose. “They know they need to do something but what they have been doing isn’t working.”
Being overweight increases your chances of developing diabetes, where too much blood sugar (glucose) stays in the bloodstream, often causing serious health problems. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends losing weight and eating healthy to help stabilize blood sugar.
Penrose says excess pounds can also explain why clients hit a physical therapy plateau, because their weight impedes progress. “If you lose 10 pounds, that’s the equivalent of 40 pounds less of force on your knee or your spine,” she says. “That’s a lot of pressure.”
To help those physical therapy clients see more success, Penrose has a science-based eight-week Transitions Lifestyle System (TLS) eating program to reduce weight and unhealthy blood sugar levels. TLS uses real food in menus and recipes designed by nutritionists and dieticians to put your body into a fat burning zone. The focus is on low glycemic foods like non-starchy carbohydrates and lean proteins.
Penrose Physical Therapy in Lacey provides:
She says one client, Janee, lost weight and still follows the eating plan, calling TLS “freedom within a framework.”
Another client, Tom, has diabetes and was receiving physical therapy at Penrose in Lacey for his knees. He needs knee surgery but must first get his weight down. Penrose says he started at over 300 pounds and with the low glycemic impact program lost 23 pounds in 5 weeks. And he no longer takes insulin, which she says is a huge win.
For more on low glycemic impact eating, check out this video, Dr. Penrose’s podcast, or contact  Penrose & Associates Physical Therapy at 360.456.1444 or
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