When one has Diabetes, it simply means that their glucose levels in the blood are too high in consequence of the pancreas (a visceral organ in the abdomen), not producing adequate amount of insulin or just the body not being able to make use of its insulin well. To clarify better, insulin is a hormone made in the pancreas which is accountable in helping the body to make use of the sugar consumed by using it as energy. Therefore, if the pancreas is lacking this, the insulin will not be present to uphold its function, instigating diabetes.
Diabetes can be categorised as either Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, or Gestational:

Managing Diabetes can be formidable at times, yet one must be vigilant everyday so as to not let the blood sugar levels escalate. This therefore will take certain discipline within oneself, but it is all very accomplishable. One of the very first things recommended in managing any type of diabetes is to develop a care plan with a GP and discuss this with your closed ones. Support here goes a long
way, so it is crucial to include those around you and get them to be more inclined towards awareness and commitment. Commitment here will include checking the blood sugar levels daily or depending on when the doctor recommends. Additionally, the routine might include taking specific medications like Metformin or insulin. It is vital to check with your doctor if there are any adverse side effects being seen.
Smoking is another risk factor which can lead to diabetes. Thus, if you are someone that suffers from diabetes, do consider smoking caseation. Additionally due to smoking there are risks like diseases of the heart, strokes, a reduction in blood flow in regions like the legs. Be that as it may, the nicotine from the cigarettes alters the cells and so there will be a weak response to insulin, eventuating in high blood sugar levels. Usually, diabetes that stems from smoking will be under the category of type w2.
Another key point to remember when controlling diabetes is to plan appointments to the diabetic clinic. Usually, patients schedule up to two or four appointments yearly and with them an eye exam is good to be added. Such visits will include an assessment regarding the diet that the patient is following and how to maybe improve it. Additionally, the weight is measured along with a check up on the blood sugar level and the blood pressure. By attending these appointment, patients will gather a better view on any diabetic complexities such as kidney damage, heart disease or even nerve impairment.
Diabetes in the Maltese island is a common condition which is taking over almost every generation, with nearly 1 in 10 suffering from it. Unfavourably, as time has elapsed the statistics kept on showing how the situation exacerbated and in 2019 it was established that 31, 709 people were diagnosed with diabetes. Such findings could be rooted to many probabilities, yet mostly obesity is a big initiator. Thankfully, the health authorities have taken these statistics into account along with other NGO’s that are ready to sustain and encourage those contending.

Such examples include:
1. The Maltese Diabetes Association: This is a voluntary organisation that intends to gather diabetics so that they can have the comfortable space where they are free to discuss any struggles or assistance that they may need. In addition, monthly talks are provided by specialised people in this sector with considerable time given to questions.
2. The Diabetes Shared Care Programmes: This programme takes place at Mater Dei hospital. In contravention of this diabetics are given a follow up at their respective health care centres which are managed by a number of doctors, nurses, ophthalmologists, and podiatrist. Consequently, patients are given a holistic long – term follow-up so that their diabetes is under control.
Aside from the above, there are various diabetic clinics around Malta, which can be found in the local health centres, providing free care for anyone in need. Alternatively, some patients may opt for private clinics which also offer a professional standard of care!
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